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Pediatric Chiropractic in St Charles

child adjustmentChiropractic care isn’t just for adults! Babies and children have spines and nervous systems, too, and it’s just as important to ensure they’re free of interference. Our goal at RiverTowne Family Chiropractic is to give children the healthiest environment to grow up and live in by removing any nerve interference so they can move, walk, speak and do all the hard work of growing up without any interference between the brain and the rest of the body.

Adjusted from Birth, Healthy for Life

When a baby is in the womb, they can get into twisted positions that affect their spinal alignment. And then the birth process itself results in significant force being placed on the neck and spine. The result is that many kids are born with their neck leaning one way, their pelvis twisted and their body rotated.

When we check their spine early on and locate and correct these misalignments, we can free up their nervous system to do what it’s supposed to do—help them experience their world so they can develop optimally.

What to Expect

We’ll send you special paperwork for your child’s appropriate age group; we ask that you complete the forms prior to your visit.

Your chiropractor will talk with you about any health concerns, and then he’ll conduct a posture check. If there was no trauma, scoliosis or other serious condition, he will adjust the child at this first appointment. Adjustments for children are very gentle—about the same pressure you would use to test the ripeness of a tomato—and we make sure the kiddos are comfortable with the process before we begin.

At your child’s next appointment, your chiropractor will ask how they responded to their first adjustment. Based on their initial exam and how they responded to care, we’ll lay out our recommendations for their customized care going forward. As with all our care, your questions are welcomed!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is chiropractic care safe for infants and children? What are the benefits?
Yes, a healthy nervous system equals healthy babies! Adjustments use very gentle pressure and are safe for kids of all ages.

Can chiropractic care help with colic, ear infections, or other childhood ailments?

Yes, and many other ailments! A well-functioning nervous system supports overall health.

How can chiropractic care support my child’s overall health and development?

Chiropractic care can improve sleep, digestion, immune function, motor coordination, behavior, and concentration.

What should I expect during my child’s first chiropractic visit? Will it hurt?

The adjustment is very gentle and quick, usually taking 1-2 minutes. Most kids love getting adjusted.

How often should I bring my child for chiropractic adjustments?

Children generally respond faster to adjustments, and the frequency will be based on your child’s specific needs.

Can chiropractic care help with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism?

Yes, adjustments can help balance the nervous system, which may improve symptoms. We recommend trying chiropractic care first.

How can chiropractic care help with childhood injuries from sports or falls?

Kids are subject to hundreds of slips and falls during their childhood. Keeping your youngster’s spine and nervous system healthy while they’re growing prevents problems in adulthood.

Can chiropractic care help with sleep disturbances in children?

Yes, adjustments can balance the nervous system, often leading to better sleep. It’s not uncommon for a parent to tell us that their baby slept for hours after an adjustment.

What is the difference between pediatric chiropractic and chiropractic for adults?

The main difference is the amount of force used during adjustments, which is much lighter for children.

How can chiropractic care help with scoliosis or other spinal conditions in children?

Chiropractic care, including adjustments, postural awareness, and exercises, can slow down, stop, or even correct scoliosis.

Schedule Today

Helping kids get off to a great start in life is our passion, and we want to help your child live their best and healthiest life! Contact us today to book.



Pediatric Chiropractic St Charles MO | (636) 947-7463